evening in Santa da Magarida, Roses

Agro Spier

     & Such wilt thou be to me, who must

    Like th other foot, obliquely run;
    Thy firmness make my circle just,
    And makes me end, where I begun.
    - John Donne, Complete English Poems

    in Roses, Catalunya's spoil

    at a stone's throw distance
    from the balcony

    reflected in water & in the cold May 
    air seagulls rush in from across the Brava 

    on my table tapas with Queso Curado
    de oveja (Boffard Resera 1/8) & Navajas 

    Crudes & Llimones & a dear companion 
    guide to poetry - thick - from Donne 

    to Marvell

    oh complacent the Terass Coral making 
    wise his wise crack & the tolling verse

    - 'a white thing that has lasted for a long time 
    is no whiter than a thing 

    that lasts only for a day'  the primary 
    & in my poetry from Roses too

    the Sardanic discriptive & revolt 
    of a miffed heart


Agro Spier -
Agro Spier  in this issue... Tags: Thanal Online, web magazine dedicated for poetry and literature Agro Spier, evening in Santa da Magarida, Roses
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