
Deepak Sarkar

    Though we come in the world as citizens -
    Boundary beyond our control makes us limited!
    Assigning a country with a border well guarded -
    Making us patriot to protect land inherited!
    Soon we learn about Fatherland or Motherland!
    Heroes who fought in many heroic stands
    Died like patriots guarding skies and barriers -
    Often for freedom, sometimes for invasions as intruders!
    We become adult inspired by ‘Us’ versus ‘Them’
    From sports to jobs to economy to military race!
    Competition grows to beat neighbouring state -
    Who can build the military to fight for Supremacy the best!
    Defence industries survive on profits a war generates
    Hurriedly spreads media rumours-gossips to build a case! 
    Politicians helplessly rally around momentum for election ease
    End up authorizing, supporting, ‘Unjust Illegal War’ aggressive! 
    A true patriot can never send another beyond border 
    While hiding in the White House or Parliament or Palace shelter
    Knowing well war means killings among brothers and sisters
    Join soldiers proudly to defend country from attackers!"


Deepak Sarkar -
    Address: Deepak Sarkar,
    844 Royal Oak Ave,Victoria,
    BC V8X 3T2, Canada
    Tel/Fax: 250-412-2897
Tags: Thanal Online, web magazine dedicated for poetry and literature Deepak Sarkar, Patriot
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